I can’t breathe because our ministry of health failed to provide only US$50 million for the importation of essential medicines, let alone improving the health system in the country.
I can’t breathe because our ministry of education failed to print the textbooks for the new school year, let alone arranging for healthy environment to the students.
I can’t breathe because our ministry of trade and industry failed to provide the flour to provide just bread to its people, let alone rehabilitation of more than 450 factories in the industrial area
I can’t breathe because our ministry of energy failed to provide fuel to the people, let alone working out a plan to make the agricultural season a success.
I can’t breathe because all our officials neglect the people and do not share the people their concerns.
I can’t breathe because it is apparent that our government lacks vision, let alone a clear manifesto.
I can’t breathe because the inflation is inching to 320% without any practical step from the government to deal with it, let alone controlling the black market and its brokers.
I can’t breathe because after Sudan was the safest place in the globe, now it became the most dangerous place for its people, let alone the foreigners.
I can’t breathe because our respectful officials in the transitional government are far away from meeting the least aspirations of the people, let alone working for their prosperity.
My last word to our rulers “Our Lives Matter”