Sudan on Thursday announced the formation of three new members to an 11-member sovereign council that will run the country for a three-year transitional period which start on 3 rd October 2020 until elections.
The President of the Sovereignty Council, General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, issued Thursday oday a constitutional decree to add three new members to the Sovereignty Council, namely, Dr. Al-Hadi Idris Yahya, Al-Taher Abu Bakr Hagar and Mr. Malik Aqar Air.
The decision comes pursuant to the provisions of the two constitutional decrees No. (38) and (39) for the year 2019 AD and based on Article 11/2 of the constitutional document for the transitional period for the year 2019 A, (amendment) for the year 2020 .
Reliable sources confirmed that the government will be fired Saturday
More about new STC
Malik Agar became the leader of SPLM-N (Agar) faction Agar and Ismael Jallab is the secretary-general. As of May 2019, Yasir Arman is the deputy chair of SPLM-N (Agar).
In mid-2017, the SPLM-N split between a faction led by Abdelaziz al-Hilu and one led by Malik Agar
Dr Al-Hadi Idris the leader of the Revolutionary Front, and Sudan Liberation Movement-Transitional Council leader
Al-Taher Hagar leader of the Sudan Liberation Forces Alliance (SLFA)
Reliable sources confirmed that the government will be fired Saturday and reshuffle to be announced Monday.
On August 2019 a group of six civilians and four other military officers as part of a planned 39-month long transition to democracy.
Profile on new TSC
Malik Agar became the leader of SPLM-N (and Ismael Jallab is the secretary-general Jallab position was frozen by Agar three days ago over difference amid SPLM-N. As of May 2019, Yasir Arman is the deputy chair of SPLM-N).
In mid-2017, the SPLM-N split between a faction led by Abdelaziz al-Hilu and one led by Malik Agar
Dr Al-Hadi Idris the leader of the Revolutionary Front, and Sudan Liberation Movement-Transitional Council leader
Al-Taher Hagar leader of the Sudan Liberation Forces Alliance (SLFA)