By Dr. Abasher Elhaj
Once again, things are not changed unless the existing reality changes. To change something, build a new template that negligences the existing matrix. The police are the radix and the last resort to guard the civil transformation, for they cannot be completely independent of the civil executive government since they do not belong to war zones.
Really, police profession is a hell of problems. It is a good deal like politics. It demands the highest type of candidates, and there is nothing in it to attract the highest type of men. That is why this revolution is badly in need of reliable and enthusiastic youth who put their lives on the line for the country every single day to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law, and take actions against the conduct of colleagues when fall below the standards of professional behavior. This good model reinforces public confidence in law.
I felt dispirited while tracking a program on Sudan Formal Television hosting the Director General of Sudanese Police, Lieutenant- General Khalid Mahdi. I guess his speech was completely a gut feeling. According to what he stated, I do think peace and tranquility will never settle in this damn country, for his blackmailing citizens into living in peace or anarchy and vandalism. For him, the cost of living in peace is “Waiving Sovereign Immunity”; otherwise, let die full. His sharp tongue affirmed skulking of security escapes in a week if the police are legally protected. This sobering thought foreshadows that the coming will be worse unless the honored police grasp their lost paradise- the Waiving Sovereign!
Without conquering this treasure, the words of the Director General of Sudanese Police are deemed as a direct summon for all criminals to commit more felonies that criminology does not account for. In other words, individuals’ security is poised between the hammer of “Waiving Sovereign Immunity” and the anvil of chaos.
The Director General is insisting in an indulgence- what for? I guess these indulgences reflect the inner acts in policing profession fed and bred in Islamist bosom. Although we really merit honest police acting with integrity, and not abusing their position, such as taking personal advantage, it is charade to see the police demanding tools to abuse, oppress, bully citizens, and break the law and contradict humanity values as well. In this sense, it is logical then to see a student stabbed in Omdurman Islamic University in the day, and another person doing his duty to be killed at a patrol station, and the like. These crimes are clear cut evidence that the police intentionally have refrained from doing their duty by not spreading police patrols in markets and streets, although they took an oath to maintain law and order. However, it is noticed that most of the police individuals are lacking both academic qualifications and communication etiquette rules, and they are rather philistine coming from slums, they might be victims of wars, poverty, and the like. That is why they feel pejorative. It is a tossup; they may be in a badly need of psychological compensatory behavior to overcome the inner jaundiced attitude.
Therefore, they are not interested in securing people- stabbed, stolen, or killed because they miss the tools that enable them to kowtow barehanded citizens. Unfortunately, this lame excuse was articulated in front of the Minister of Interior; I reckon, it is not acumen of the man in charge of police to wash his clothes in public since such declaration frightens and erodes public confidence in law enforcement.
In sum, the sacrifices done in the streets, at least, fall due police work with self-control and tolerance and respect the right of all individuals; they must perform roles and responsibility in an efficient, diligent and professional manner. We really appreciate the role of change since Dec. 2018 Revolution deserves a policing profession that is expected to protect civilians and prevent crimes by being fair and impartial.