Dr. Abasher Elhaj
Being angry with your friend will quickly make him betray and envy you. Instead, trust an old enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, since his primary concern is to prove he is loyal to you more. When you live in peace of mind, with no foe, find a way to make a right enemy. Why not we make coronavirus the right enemy? As I am not affiliated to any medical ambit, I would like to trace a persistent connection between the image of covid-19 which pulls out the stops in an incredible terrifying panic and the concept of social mutualism, beside the ramifications of thorough lockdown.
The world is currently on the horns of coronavirus dilemma and living in an unprecedented experience in breathless terror with real suspense- tension upon tension. It faces the latest tsunami on a Mother Nature’s immune system battling humanity spread of this biological enemy. Even US and the other bellicose countries have become part of the problem rather than solution- the poor and the rich are both suffering. What an equal lesion!
Coronavirus has revealed the mask of capitalist and (mean soul economy), which has become a kingdom without a crown. Wish these schools perceived the value of mutualism, and detained health is good both in itself and for rewards it brings to destitute. Thus, the off-to-do would have some sum from the well-to- do; so, the social context would live in balance.
So far, Sudan is relatively safe compared with the rest of the world in terms of coronavirus, yet what ducks in nowadays will be rabbits afterwards if we behave loosely towards this pandemic. I guess it is beyond stupidity to see some recalcitrant processions in these critical situations quibbling at soaring prices as if we were analgesic before. Such an act is spattered with civil life hatred. The attention of those pique people has been interestingly concentrated upon the crisis-provoking problems, usually, in addition, they are so young or bizarre to the hazard ridden field that practice has committed them less deeply than the most of their slogans.
It must be admitted that these boom horizons disciples have been given symptoms under a lingering disease, with intermittent fever- with the difference, that it appears their cold fits are very long, and the hot fits very short. However, under the guidance of stimulants, the government cabinet has occasionally assumed an appearance of being possessed of a strong and vigorous security charter to excise their incessant struggle so as not to undermine the basis of the interim government; otherwise, they have to change the way they perceive their milieu and expulse the myth of reconquering Sudan from their minds. One has to feel pity for them, as the way they see depends both upon what they look at and upon what their previous experience has taught them to posit sacred words as primordial for us to subject to domination and to be docile listeners for heaven holly call. The process of demounting the crooks’ cementation unfolds their hypocrisy and discloses that they planned to exploit their so-called:”Divine Appeal” to transform us into real-estates of their purchasing power. For them money is measure of all things, and profit is the primary goal; and what is worthwhile is to have more-always and it does not matter to have less or having nothing in terms of religion, “just to be is to have and to be the class of the have.”
It is acumen of the government to lockdown so as to halt the spread of Covid-19; howeve, ordinary people have to be involved in choosing the options that will work for them. These options seem difficult, but in practice we have to look back in pleasure. We actually have learned a thirty-year- lesson that should be put a good use as we face the impact of Covid-19. The most important value of this lesson is that communities must be at the forefront of responding. If the basic livelihood cannot be secured, a comprehensive lockdown is no longer practical.
The government has to shift to a policy of asking Resistance Leaders across the country to design their own control policy. Similarly, individuals have to take the lead in designing their own quarantine. Moreover, public health experts have to propose alternatives to comprehensive lockdown and explore local variants of isolation and movement restriction. Concerning ordinary people, who intend to venture out for their sustenance, are not the problem if the society collaborates, rather they are the solution. They can quickly learn to think as epidemiologists.
Social mutualism is the last resort to overcome this calamity. We should recall our past traditions to be beneficial for the whole- never discard or leaving a single person behind; this act is anti human virus which has intentionally been skipped out from the thirty-year- lesson we have been forced to learn. Hat are off for coronavirus as it has awakened our consciousness and reminded us that we are taking a path that have been trodden by the devil- a new style of life we are not accustomed to before. Luckily, a new day has come to demise individualism! To do so, we have to purify our souls from avariciousness and narcissism, and we should incarnate benevolence which acts as a good conductor that connects human circuit and support the whole. Otherwise, the more disconnection, the more calamity and absurd world be the world around us.
In sum, may we hate something and it is good for us, and may this pandemic bring some rain for us and reunite as we were one day!