By: Yasir Arman
On the wings of the coronavirus, the Erdogan/Turkey axis has taken its well-known agenda to Libya. It chose the time and place with strategic precision and its impact will not be limited to Libya if the plan succeeds. The first countries to be affected will be Sudan, Egypt, Chad, and Tunisia and their regional neighbourhood later. This does not need evidence to be proven.
Libya with its resources and its strategic location in Africa facing Europe, neighbours two important countries – Egypt and Sudan – where the Islamists have lost power. Islamist groups, which were under siege in Asia and Africa, need a foothold to respond to these blows enabling them to plunder Libya’s resources and harness them for their big political project which finds only lukewarm opposition from the West for reasons unrelated to coronavirus. But with the West preoccupied with coronavirus for the time being, there is no better moment for the intervention of Turkey which chose the time and place with precision. This is the first direct military operation by the Turkish axis in Africa.
The Forces of Freedom and Change in Sudan are preoccupied with a power struggle and the distribution of spoils in Khartoum and some of them have adopted a puzzling and confused position regarding peace.
What is happening in Libya is in the interests of the counter-revolution. Tunisia is the only country whose political forces have understood the seriousness of what is happening in Libya and have declared a public position against Turkish intervention in Libya’s affairs. These events will have a direct long-term impact on Sudan, Egypt, Chad, Tunisia and other countries.
Those who do not care about ending the wars in Sudan or its strategic importance for security and change need to wake up a bit from their slumber. The political coronavirus in Libya will have a long-term impact on Sudan and the region if Turkey’s plans succeed.