By Dr. Abasher Elhaj
We all have a human mind, but most of us assume that our minds will automatically take care of themselves and function well. Such people engage in irrational discourse, as if they were herd animals, and largely influenced by and function with groups. They do not naturally verify what is right; they prefer to live in with the unrealistic. Instead of using intellectual standards in adjusting what they grasp from the streets and social media, they often use self-centered psychological standards to determine what to believe and what to reject. Media greatly affect negatively or positively audience’s thoughts and feelings, and this audience is seeking for a leader. Information is this leader! Unfortunately, no critical thinking is applied to the entire Sudanese life to make reality perceptible and meaningful. Therefore, spheres are dyspeptic and padded with ruinous rumors.
Rumor is quiet old and some of it is quiet new and its theory is due to for synthesis into an updated whole. It is has been an eddy and closely entwined with a host of social and organizational phenomena social cognition, attitude formation, prejudice, group dynamics and social influence. It used to pass from one person to another, usually by word of mouth; today, social media and the Internet may be added to word-of- mouth channel of communication through which it flows.
Rumors are unverified relevant statements cupping up in context of ambiguity or potential threat to function people making sense and manage risk. They often occur in a self-centered psychological environment and exactly when people attempt to make sense of ambiguous since rumors never stand up right in the light as the ignite passes some group norms and plausibility. The more group standards of plausibility are seethed, the more rumors look very much like fact finding; the low these standards, the more a rumor seems like contagion and panic.
Rumors contribute to behavior and mental process of the mob. Hearing negative ones day after day might exert stronger effects and appear to be cumulative effects of receiving gloomy news, which abort individuals’ aspirations; as a result, people are associated with anxiety and live in everlasting frustration. For instance, social media jammed up with people spreading spurious information exacerbated predatory panorama during Covid-19 calamity. In this respect, rumor long-stand ignominy can be seen as a saboteur of morale privacy of people.
Rumors are considered threat manager for people, companies, or organizations who feel that their interest and welfare might be imperil or facing layoffs. They are feverishly trying to topple the acts done by corruption committee and making public that its members are oblique. In their social platforms, they tend to present events in descriptive terms that presuppose the correctness of the ideology dominant in their own sphere. Their media routinely validate the view that they are “right” and ethical in dealing with the world; actually, this dominates and fosters narrow-minded thinking. Domination over the humble generates feelings of power and self-importance. Within self-deception, it also commonly necessitates a high sense of self-righteousness. The dominator is typically arrogant and thinks that control over others and use force for good is right and proper. As a result, those humble people must undergo undeserved pain, suffering, and deprivation.
Ethically, vociferants who seek to control over others frequently violate the insight and ignore the need of others. Apparently, those who tussle to lurch the revolution barge by stretching out ado are rather selfish and cruel- to be or the whole country not to be! They are not aware that they are causing suffering to themselves and others, it seems they suffer from activated ignorance symptoms, which means taking into the mind and actively using false information, though they mistakenly think it is the to be true. The victims of this ignorance believe that they understand things and estimate situations in a very good manner without knowing that they do not know. Activated ignorance is plain in asking questions or presenting an idea that requires reasoned judgment, some people, counterfeitly, assume that their subjective opinion is of equal value, frugally they can hardly set apart from fact and opinion.
Though irrationality plays a major role in our lives, we are capable of thinking and behaving logically. We can learn to respect evidence even if it does not uphold our views. But to reach such a goal, we need to bury the hollows of knowledge burrowed in our minds, minds that accept this information and reject that one after it is verified. This way will definitively lead us to activated knowledge which it is taking into the mind, and actively using information that is not only clear, or true, but that, when insightfully understood.
It is difficult for the first time to base any ground by reasoning with people who have been swayed in authoritative reign for a long time for they will use any kind of intellectual dodge to avoid taking moral responsibility and reprimanding themselves for their behavior. The scabby sheep has to be treated from its pathological tendencies nested in her mind so as not to infect the whole flock. Then the rest will grow up hale and hearty. A number of mind diseases have to be corrected and we all must take concrete steps to correct at least the more salient ones. In this respect, much lies on intellectual and erudite shoulders’ by holding evening forums and symposiums to illuminate the youth presenting miscellaneous issues. For example, they can drizzle some information on how to correct some of thinking diseases, such as, correcting myopia, righteousness, hypocrisy, absurdity, and the like. I am sure after a long term of enculturaliztion, people will look differently at the world around them.
In sum, it is not necessary to have a particular talent, but be merely and extremely inquisitive to strip off the irrelevant frills from any piece of information and view it as a form of intellectual work.