Anybody is hoping to return to practice his daily life naturally. Everybody is aspiring to walk to the mosque, the family gathering in the weekends, meeting his friends and the love ones in the public parks or restaurants.
But all of that aspirations had become far dream and is forcefully delayed till the COVID-19 dilemma is over.
Nobody knows when will this pandemic ends except Allah the Almighty after the spread of the pandemic all over the globe without exception.,
However,COVID-19 pandemic has several benefits on top of which is that it united the world to confront it.
It is true that the world is living a state of emergency the last days of December 2020 due to the widespread of COVID-19 pandemic which did not differentiate between an advanced country and a poor one or between a rich man or a poor man as all are equal.
COVID-19 pandemic imposed health quarantine on all countries because it is the best way to stop the expansion of this ghost, besides the social distances and lockdown.
It is a blessing is disguise that COVID-19 pandemic resulted to restructuring the society as the physicians, scientists and military men acquired their deserved natural rank as leaders of the communities.
Another lesson from COVID-19 pandemic is that the people knew that wealth cannot protect from the attacks of the disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the people to stay home, hence the families meet and the relations became warmer.
Most of the people are now used to the new technologies e.g. online work and online study. The lockdown opened more chances for learning.
Before CIVID-19 pandemic people have no ample time for reading or exercising, but after the lockdown they find the time to do it.
One of the most important benefits from COVID-19 is recognizing that health is the greatest blessing of Allah, so we must thank Allah day and night for the food health we are enjoying.
CIVID-19 pandemic is a blessing in disguise.